信相宜 《嘉泰普燈錄總目錄》卷3:「梁山廓庵師遠禪師法嗣一人(成都府信相宜禪師)」(CBETA, X79, no. 1558, p. 284, c19-20 // Z 2B:10, p. 16, d7-8 // R137, p. 32, b7-8)
著述、史傳、研究論文 Works: [研究論文]
Clasper, Paul D. 1970. The Ox-herder Pictures: Zen Buddhism’s version of “The Pilgrim’s progess”. Hong Kong: Lotus-Logos Press.
Clasper, Paul D. 1984. “The Ox-Herder pictures: Zen Buddhism’s version of “The Pilgrim’s Progress”.” Ching Feng 28:2/3, pp. 115-136.
Green, Joey. 1998. The Zen of Ox: Ten Spiritual Lessons from over the Rainbow. California: Renaissance Books.
Jang, Scarlett Ju-Yu. 1992. “Ox-herding Painting in the Sung dynasty.” Artibus Asiae. 52:1-2, pp. 54-93.
Master Sheng-Yen and Dan Stevenson. 2002. Hoofprint of the Ox: Principles of the Chan Buddhist Path As Taught by a Modern Chinese Master. New York: Oxford University Press.
Miyuki, Mokusen. 1992. “Self-realization in the ten oxherding pictures.” Self and Liberation, pp. 181-205.
Odin, Steve. 1990. “The Middle Way of Emptiness in Modern Japanese Philosophy and The Zen Oxherding Pictures.” The Eastern Buddhist 23:1, pp. 26-44.
Schloegl, Irmgard. 1969. Gentling the Bull -- the Ten Bull Pictures: a Spiritual Journey. London: Zen Centre.
Shih, Sheng-Yen, Baldwin, Mark and Marano, Christopher, eds. 1989. Ox Herding at Morgan’s Bay. Now York: Dharma Drum Publications.
Sorensen, Henrik H. 1991. “A Study of the Ox-herding Theme as Sculptures at Mt Baoding in Dazu County, Sichuan.” Artibus Asiae 51:3/4, pp. 8-12.
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro. 1923. “The Ten Cow-herding Pictures.” The Eastern Buddhist (Original Series) 2: 3/4, pp.176-195.
Yamada Mumon Roshi and Victor Sogen Hori. 2004. Lectures On The Ten Oxherding Pictures. Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press.